Seeking a Gallery for Somerset
SAGT is a member of Arts Taunton and seeks to create partnerships with The Brewhouse, South West Heritage Trust, CICCIC, The Chandos Society, Contains Art, Taunton Art Group, Taunton U3A, Hestercombe, SAW, Somerset Art Fund, and the Arts Council.
The Brewhouse Theatre,
Coal Orchard, Taunton, TA11JL
01823 283244
The Conference,
Bridgwater & Taunton College, Taunton, TA1
01823 366 366
Trull Church Community Centre,
Church Road, Trull, TA3 7JZ
SAGT Committee Members
André Wallace
Mrs Anne Maw, Lord Lieutenant of Somerset
Tami Boden-Ellis (Minutes Sec.) 01460 234444
Jeremy Harvey (Chairman) 01823 276421)
Anna Mullett (Membership Sec.) 01823 327012
Kevin Saunders 01823 277137
David Smith 01823 253996
Sandra Spalding (Treasurer) 01823 433068
Toby Veale of Dexterous Designs
Programme 2019
Monday 18 February 7.00 – 9.00 Trish Jones on Grand old dames of Modern Art Trull Church Community Centre, Church Road, Trull, TA3 7JZ. Members £7, non-members £10, students £3.
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