Newsletter 50 November 2017-11-02

Dear Readers,

Welcome to our 50th of these letters. We still have three events left this year to which we hope to entice you, your friends and family. These events have been in our programme and are on our website.

Coming very soon now – on Thursday November 9th –at 7.30 in the Brewhouse Hub (workshop area) is a teach-in and hands on sculpture evening being given by Linda Bareham-Stanley, a very experienced sculptor and fine teacher, whose work is exhibited and in collections in this country and in Europe. It is a rare opportunity to learn about and try carving stone. Linda will show some of her work as well as enabling us to try our hand. There are still places left but contact the Box Office quickly to book your place.

Linda is having to move her studio and is very keen to hear from anyone who knows of a suitable space in the Nether Stowey, TA5 area. Anna or I can put you in contact with her.

Earlier Ann Le Bas, a member and distinguished artist from Exmoor, gave us a superb landscape in oils, An Exmoor View, for our permanent collection. This lovely landscape will be on show in the Conference Centre, Wellington Road, at what is now Bridgwater and Taunton College, from 10.30 on the morning of Saturday 25 November when I shall be talking about Without Picasso: Landscape Paintings Then and Now. I plan to have other paintings on show then in addition to ‘on screen’ images of work by some 57 artists, together with books and post cards for browsing.

Ann’s painting will also feature mid-July, 2018 in our eight week exhibition of members’ work in the Brewhouse. We thank Ann most warmly for her generosity and look forward to showing more of her work – and yours, if you want to join us then.

Our final event this year is Christmas Lunch at Bridgwater and Taunton College, Wellington Road on Thursday December 7 at 12.30. Anna has just sent out information about this and will take your bookings. Again please apply quickly in order not to be disappointed. It is an occasion when we can meet old friends and make new ones.

Our 2018 programme will be ratified by the Committee at our meeting on November 6 and promises to be varied and have something for all of you. Women artists will feature in more of the talks and there will be two days when we can go out locally and paint what we want the way we want. And there’s our big Brewhouse exhibition.

Jack Coulthard’s early work will be the basis of a big exhibition in the Brewhouse late January 2018. That is very good news. See the Brewhouse’s promotions and website for the details. And our other former patron the late Peter Coate is represented in Dene Barton Hospital where seven of his landscapes are on display in public spaces. They are available to buy as are his other works featured on our website. Monies raised from sales of his work go towards our buying works for our permanent collection. His widow Pam has arranged for the remaining works of his studio to be auctioned at Wells Museum on April 30, 2018.

Congratulations to Tami Boden-Ellis for having her book No Way?! How Pickles Became the Christmas Gherkin, with her illustrations, published and available through normal outlets. She describes it as a book “for the ‘Child’ in us all”. The ISBN is 978-0-7223-4770-6.

Thank you for your membership and support. A very Happy Christmas to you and your family.

Jeremy Harvey

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